Kavey Goes Cackalacky!
I wanted to share this one with you as Cackalacky is not something I've come across before, but created a recipe to enter a blogger's cooking challenge. I learned about cackalacky from a recipe book...
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As a NC'er, I know the term cackalacky. BBQ sauce is regional and could start a battle. Mustard-based is usually SC. Vinegar-based is eastern NC and tomato-based is western NC. I grew up with...
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Aah interesting, I hadn't realised that mustard wasn't common to all versions, the ones I found on google all seemed to have mustard in them... so mine is a South Carolina cackalacky? Diane has...
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You and Pete would LOVE it here...great food and wonderful local beer, too!
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I know it's just that with limited travel budget and time, much as I know we'd enjoy visiting you both, there are so many other parts of the world that call more strongly... This year our main trip is...
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